The Art of Trying Again

Hi readers! I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything lately–with summer in full swing, I was too busy exploring my suddenly wide open days!
Everything felt right–today had to be the day! Kate confidently strode over to the piano, her fingers itching to get started. She sat down at the bench, and took a deep breath. She had been practicing the same piece for weeks now, and she still couldn’t play it through without stumbling. But maybe today she could. After all, this was the 29th day she’d been practicing it.
Her fingers rested on the keys, her eyes glanced at the notes on the staff, and her heart skipped a beat. One two three four–and she began. The notes sounded beautiful, strung one after another in a gorgeous melody. On and on and halfway through the piece. She might just make it! Kate couldn’t help from grinning–today she had to finish perfectly. Just four more measure!
Then suddenly, something went wrong. Her finger quivered and slumped on an awkward tone. NO! Not again! Kate felt hopeless. How many times would she have to practice this piece before she could perfect it? It seemed that she would never make it. But she knew all she had to do was try again.
If you think about it, there is hardly anything in life you can perfect by trying once. It is unnatural and stiff way to live. If everyone could easily perfect anything they wanted, then would any talent really be special? We have to try again and again and again until we have literally tried our hardest. Then that is the best we can accomplish and we have succeeded. Can a painter use one stroke from a paintbrush and create a masterpiece? Can a young child take one step and immediately contain the knowledge of how to walk? Of course not! Anyone who has a skill for anything has to have worked for it. If you want it badly enough, you will succeed.
